Street Dogs
We have a dedicated team of trappers who set out every morning to take on the tough task of trapping difficult feral street dogs. We work with feeders across Goa who help us identify packs for sterilization. Trapping is not an easy process, and the support of animal lovers and feeders who are familiar with these dogs makes the process a bit easier, and also less stressful for the dog. Our trappers are trained to trap these dogs in the most humane way possible.
We then take the trapped dogs to AWBI recognised NGOs for the sterilization surgery and post op care. Post recovery, our team ensures each dog is released back to its territory, using our air tight protocols to ensure that the dog is not relocated.
It costs us Rs 1000 per dog to cover trapping and transport costs. When you donate to Angels for Animals, you empower us to continue these efforts to help the dogs of Goa. Please consider supporting our work!